buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title MDQ - Query Your Markdown Like JSON style.css header class hero nav div MDQ class logo div class nav-links a Installation href #installation a Usage href #usage a Examples href #examples a GitHub class cta-button href div class hero-content h1 MDQ: jq for Markdown p Query and filter Markdown documents with ease - just like jq does for JSON div class badges img Code Coverage src img Build Status src main section id installation class installation h2 Installation div class install-options div class install-card h3 Via Cargo pre cargo install --git class code-block div class install-card h3 Direct Download a Download Latest Release href class button section id usage class usage h2 Basic Usage div class usage-grid div class usage-example h3 Filter Sections pre cat | mdq '# usage' class code-block div class usage-example h3 Find Tasks pre mdq '- [ ]' class code-block div class usage-example h3 Chain Filters pre cat | mdq '# usage | -' class code-block section id examples class examples h2 Real-World Examples div class example-cards div class example-card h3 Check Issue Templates pre if echo "$ISSUE_TEXT" | mdq -q '- [x] I have searched for existing issues' ; then class code-block p Verify that users have checked for duplicate issues div class example-card h3 Extract Tickets pre TICKET_URL="$(echo "$PR_TEXT" | mdq --output json '# Ticket')" class code-block p Parse ticket references from pull requests footer div class footer-content p MDQ is available under Apache 2.0 or MIT licenses div class footer-links a Documentation href a GitHub href script.js